Tracey Thomas

Tracey Thomas

Tracey organises all the Charity's accounts and administration, and keeps spending in line. Tracey has a PGDip in Business Administration, and as a CAP Money Adviser, she also takes modules in Budgeting in A New Future, and supports men in understanding and managing their finances.

Paul Da Costa

Paul Da Costa

Paul has worked within the Criminal Justice system since 1995, working for various public sectors departments and joined Nehemiah in February 2019. Paul interviews and assesses applicants to join Nehemiah's programme, as well as promoting our service to a wide range of agencies in the sector

Lois Momoh

Lois Ravenscroft

Lois Ravenscroft is the Development Director for The Nehemiah Project responsible for securing income for the organisation. Lois has worked for over 25 years in the not-for-profit/voluntary sector, specialising in all areas of fundraising, with experience in fundraising for the arts, homelessness, disability, international relief and development.

John Patience

John Patience

Dr John Patience has been the CEO of The Nehemiah Project since 2011. John has been fascinated by behaviour change for many years, initially in what initiates this change and then later in how this interacts within complex social systems.

Dawn Wilson

Dawn Wilson

Dawn joined Nehemiah in February 2019 as the Family Programme Practitioner, where she has brought about some happy family reconciliations. Dawn works with men in all of our houses. As a part-time worker Dawn packs a lot into her three days, working Tuesday to Thursday inclusive

Adrienne Sissuh

Adrienne Sissuh

Adrienne joined The Nehemiah Project in July 2011 bringing with her over 20 years of experience in the field of Health and Social Care. Adrienne has worked for various housing associations, managing a range of schemes for asylum seekers, refugees, homelessness, people with substance misuse problems and ex-offenders. She currently leads the Recovery Practitioners Team and oversees the New Future Programme.


Abiodun Opaleye

Abi has been caretaker at our Stage 2 Clapham house for a number of years, ensuring that it all runs as smoothly as possible and that the residents have the best possible environment for them to continue on with their recovery journey. Abi is a great storyteller and is always on hand with words of wisdom garnered from his years of experience.


Tim Aikens

Tim Aikens is an independent management consultant based in London. Tim specialises in business transformation and organisation-related work, helping clients to create sustainable change and organisational structures that support their vision and help generate competitive advantage. Whilst his work has primarily been in the energy sector, Tim has worked across a broad range of industries including, telecommunications, public sector, defence, shipbuilding, and engineering, to name but a few. His work in Organisation has covered the full range from visioning, organisational structure, values and behaviours, to culture development and manpower planning. He has also worked in the human resources sector, including management development, training, competency and counselling. For the last twenty years he has worked with most of the major oil companies worldwide. Tim is Chair of the Independent Monitoring Board at HMP Wandsworth.

Fr Roger Reader

Monsignor Roger Reader

Fr Roger Reader is priest at the Roman Catholic Church of St Mary Magdalen, Willesden Green, London. He was ordained in 1995 and worked full time in prisons from 1998, first as a chaplain at HMP Whitemoor for three years, and then for 12 years at Feltham Young Offenders Institute. Fr Roger worked part-time for six years at HMP Pentonville during his nine years as an Anglican clergyman before converting to Roman Catholicism. He has a passion to see men coming out of prison better supported, and was instrumental in establishing Nehemiah’s partnership with the British Association of the Sovereign Order of Malta.

Richard Steer

Richard Steer, Worldwide Chairman of Gleeds

Richard was appointed Chairman of Gleeds in 1999 and has grown the business into a global organisation with 71 offices worldwide. Richard is a champion of Gleeds' philanthropic work and has generously supported Nehemiah, directing Gala Fundraising Balls and dinners. Richard worked with Nehemiah CEO Dr John Patience and others on ‘Rehabilitation by Design ‘ a paper which explores proposed prison reform in the UK, which was considered at UK government level.

  • 020 8773 7417

Registered charity No 1058536

47 Tooting Bec Gardens

London SW16 1RF


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